This is a rare find from the battlefield in this condition which is a pretty much complete German M24 stick grenade in very nice relic condition. The can is empty and inert but complete it has some holes or splits in the can but nothing to bad it has ripped and bent by the force of the explosion and complete other then that. The handle which has its top plate the bottom of the can still attached and it has green paintwork remains the wooden handle is broken in to 2 parts which taped back together and has faint maker marking and dated 1944 the wood is still its lovely original colour it is solid not braking up or crumbling still in very solid condition the grenade can has been well cleaned it still retains some of its original colours and lots of its original green paintwork it is only lightly rusty but still very solid and is perfect for display and a rare one for the collection. The grenade was recovered from a field near Trun, which we think was a pit dug by the allies where lots of German equipment was thrown in and buried after the battle in the Falaise Pocket, Normandy in France 1944. A nice rare relic from the famous Normandy battlefield and it comes with a A5 laminated information card with picture.