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Relics from the Front
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Reduced Price Items Under £50
Reduced Price Items over £50
World War 1 hand and rifle grenades, mortar bombs & pieces, rifle and machine gun parts, ammunition and all types of ammunition boxes & crates Western and Eastern Fronts
World War 1 Axis and Allied helmets, bayonets and water bottles recovered from battlefields on the Western Front and Eastern Front 1914-1918
World War 1 British, French, Russian and Commonwealth relics recovered from the Somme and Ypres salient battlefields including Verdun and the Eastern Front 1914-1918
World War 1 German and Austro Hungarian relics recovered from the Somme and Ypres salient battlefields including Verdun and the Eastern Front 1914-1918
World War 1 Allied and Axis artillery Shells also shell cases,Trench Art and fuses-projectiles
World War 2 Steel Helmets
German Tank and Armoured Vehicle parts and fuel cans from the Western Front
German Tank and Armoured Vehicle parts and fuel cans from the Eastern Front
Allied Tank and Armoured Vehicle parts and fuel cans from the Western and Eastern fronts
Anti-Tank mine-Personnel mine parts and accessories, Goliath tracked mine parts also anti-tank rockets, parts-accessories from East-West front battlefields 1939-1945
Hand grenades, Rifle grenades, Bombs and Ariel Bombs also parts, accessories, storage crates-boxes from West and East front battlefields 1939-1945
Mortar bombs including parts and accessories and all types of metal artillery also ammunition, storage boxes also carriers and tubes recovered from west and east fronts 1939-1945
Battlefield relics from western and eastern fronts 1939-1942 battle of France, North Africa-Italy, Barbarossa invasion of Russia until the battle of Stalingrad
Battlefield Relics recovered from the D-day landings, Falaise Pocket and the Allied advance out of Normandy, June-August 1944 battlefield
German and Allied Battlefield Relics from September 1944 including the Hurtgen forest and the Ardennes Forest until 1945 capture of Germany, Western front
German Battlefield relics recovered from the Eastern Front 1943-1945 Battle of Kursk until the final defence of the Reich also Pacific relics
Russian Battlefield relics recovered from the Eastern Front 1939-1945
World War 2 Battlefield Recovered Badges, Medals, Belt Buckles,Dog Tags,insignia from Western front and Eastern front 1939-1945
Artillery-anti tank- anti aircraft gun fuses and projectiles, complete rounds and wooden ammunition crates recovered from West and East front battlefields 1939-1945
Artillery-anti-tank-anti aircraft gun Shell cases brass and steel and battle damaged case from West and East front battlefields 1939-1945
World War 2 Allied Aircraft Parts and Relics
World War 2 Axis Aircraft Parts and Relics
German Kriegsmarine U-Boat relics and relics from the battleship Tirpitz
World War 1 and World War 2 Uniforms,Accessories hats,paperwork and photographs
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German Tank and Armoured Vehicle parts and fuel cans from the Eastern Front
Reduced Price Items Under £50
Reduced Price Items over £50
World War 1 hand and rifle grenades, mortar bombs & pieces, rifle and machine gun parts, ammunition and all types of ammunition boxes & crates Western and Eastern Fronts
World War 1 Axis and Allied helmets, bayonets and water bottles recovered from battlefields on the Western Front and Eastern Front 1914-1918
World War 1 British, French, Russian and Commonwealth relics recovered from the Somme and Ypres salient battlefields including Verdun and the Eastern Front 1914-1918
World War 1 German and Austro Hungarian relics recovered from the Somme and Ypres salient battlefields including Verdun and the Eastern Front 1914-1918
World War 1 Allied and Axis artillery Shells also shell cases,Trench Art and fuses-projectiles
World War 2 Steel Helmets
German Tank and Armoured Vehicle parts and fuel cans from the Western Front
German Tank and Armoured Vehicle parts and fuel cans from the Eastern Front
Allied Tank and Armoured Vehicle parts and fuel cans from the Western and Eastern fronts
Anti-Tank mine-Personnel mine parts and accessories, Goliath tracked mine parts also anti-tank rockets, parts-accessories from East-West front battlefields 1939-1945
Hand grenades, Rifle grenades, Bombs and Ariel Bombs also parts, accessories, storage crates-boxes from West and East front battlefields 1939-1945
Mortar bombs including parts and accessories and all types of metal artillery also ammunition, storage boxes also carriers and tubes recovered from west and east fronts 1939-1945
Battlefield relics from western and eastern fronts 1939-1942 battle of France, North Africa-Italy, Barbarossa invasion of Russia until the battle of Stalingrad
Battlefield Relics recovered from the D-day landings, Falaise Pocket and the Allied advance out of Normandy, June-August 1944 battlefield
German and Allied Battlefield Relics from September 1944 including the Hurtgen forest and the Ardennes Forest until 1945 capture of Germany, Western front
German Battlefield relics recovered from the Eastern Front 1943-1945 Battle of Kursk until the final defence of the Reich also Pacific relics
Russian Battlefield relics recovered from the Eastern Front 1939-1945
World War 2 Battlefield Recovered Badges, Medals, Belt Buckles,Dog Tags,insignia from Western front and Eastern front 1939-1945
Artillery-anti tank- anti aircraft gun fuses and projectiles, complete rounds and wooden ammunition crates recovered from West and East front battlefields 1939-1945
Artillery-anti-tank-anti aircraft gun Shell cases brass and steel and battle damaged case from West and East front battlefields 1939-1945
World War 2 Allied Aircraft Parts and Relics
World War 2 Axis Aircraft Parts and Relics
German Kriegsmarine U-Boat relics and relics from the battleship Tirpitz
World War 1 and World War 2 Uniforms,Accessories hats,paperwork and photographs
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Steel road wheel clamp from a Tiger I tank recovered near the village of Trun in the area of the Falaise pocket Normandy
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A fantastic and rare pair of spare track link holders from the side of a Tiger I tank turret recovered near the village of Trun in the area of the Falaise pocket Normandy
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Pair of Track link ice teeth - Hammerstollen a complete relic used by German panzer 4 tank in Panzer grenadier division Kurmark recovered in Carzig south of the Seelow heights the 16-19 April 1945 battlefield.
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German panzer radio Ukw.E.e radio receiver dated 1944, recovered from the site of the Charlottenburg bahnhof scrapyard (1945-1948) in Berlin when site was cleared for building works
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15mm Armoured plate structure section with weld front of the open top superstructure on a German Nashorn tank destroyer used by the 12th Panzer Division recovered from the site of destroyed Nashorn in the Kurland Pocket 1944-1945 battle in Latvia
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Rare to find complete track link pin from Japanese light Tank Type 95 Ha Go recovered from the Island of Guadalcanal from the 1942-1943 battlefield.
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Blown shell racking section from destroyed German Panzer 3 tank of the 14th Panzer Division recovered near the town of Kalach in the area they captured in the battle of July-August 1942 in Stalingrad front
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Track link rubber pad remains used by German SDKFZ 250 halftrack used by the 4th Panzer Army recovered on the Dom river area from the battles of November- December 1942 outside Stalingrad
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Armoured glass holder from inside German Panzer 2 tank of the 14th Panzer Division recovered near the town of Kalach in the area they captured in the battle of July-August 1942,Stalingrad front
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Small metal cover with original gray paintwork from German Panzer 2 tank of the 14th Panzer Division recovered near the town of Kalach in the area they captured in the battle of July-August 1942,Stalingrad front
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Complete track link snow chain from German German sdkfz 251 halftrack used by 46th Panzer Corps recovered near Gnilets attacked by them on 5th July 1943 during the attack on the Kursk salient
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Track link grooved pattern rubber shoe dated 1942,maker marked pretty much complete from German sdkfz 251 halftrack used by 46th Panzer Corps recovered near Gnilets attacked by them on 5th July 1943 during the attack on the Kursk salient
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Track link grooved pattern rubber shoe dated 1942,maker marked with damage from German sdkfz 251 halftrack used by 46th Panzer Corps recovered near Gnilets attacked by them on 5th July 1943 during the attack on the Kursk salient
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Track link grooved pattern rubber shoe dated 1941,maker marked with damage from German sdkfz 251 halftrack used by 46th Panzer Corps recovered near Gnilets attacked by them on 5th July 1943 during the attack on the Kursk salient
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German blown apart metal transport container with lots of original paintwork+markings for 75mm KwK 40 gun on Panzer 4 tank recovered in German ammunition storage bunker used by SS Nordland Division-the 1944 Narva Battle in Estonia, recovered in 2022
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German lovely maker marked lorry large wheel hub used by a vehicle of the 14th Panzer Division recovered near the town of Kalach in the area they captured in the battle of July-August 1942 on the Stalingrad front
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German maker marked lorry wheel hub used by a vehicle of the 14th Panzer Division recovered near the town of Kalach in the area they captured in the battle of July-August 1942 on the Stalingrad front
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German metal transport container with sand camouflage paintwork remains for 75mm KwK 40 gun on Panzer 4 tank recovered in German ammunition storage bunker used by SS Nordland Division-the 1944 Narva Battle in Estonia, untouched until recovered in 2022
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German metal transport container with lid,markings for 75mm KwK 40 gun on Panzer 4 tank recovered in German ammunition storage bunker used by SS Nordland Division-the 1944 Narva Battle in Estonia, untouched until recovered in 2022+dig pictures
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Track wheel rusted relic condition with the remains of its tyre which does have maker markings used by German sdkfz 251 half track used by 46th Panzer Corps recovered near Gnilets attacked by them on 5th July 1943 during the attack on the Kursk salient
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Internal fuel tank cap or inspection cap with sand colour paintwork from German sdkfz 251 half track recovered from near the village of Plota near Prokhorovka on the battlefield at Kursk 1943 in Russia
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Mud track link made from 1942 blown in half well cleaned relic used by German Henschel 33 truck used by Panzer Grenadier Division Kurmark recovered in Carzig south of the Seelow Heights the April 1945 battlefield
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Blown section of winterkette track link and small inspection panel used by German panzer 4 tank of the 6th SS Panzer Army recovered from the battlefield outside Vienna in April 1945