Relics from the Front Since 2010
  • Large internal engine part with part number and original green paintwork from German JU87 stuka dive bomber of 1/STG1, shot down and crashed on 27th June 1944 in Belarus during Operation Bagration.

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    This large heavy internal engine part with brass pipe attached still with all of its original green paintwork which is pretty much all there and with a part number on the side very clear to see.The part is steel made that is lightly rusty and a bit pitted but very solid and heavy which is 8 inches long and 5 inches wide it has no real damage from the impact of the crash the part still has lots of original colours it has been very well cleaned it is in nice condition and is a very nice part from this famous aircraft which is perfect for display or any collection and a rare one for the collection this nice engine part which comes with A5 laminated information card.The part comes from German JU87 stuka dive bomber of 1/STG1, shot down and crashed on 27th June 1944 in Belarus during Operation Bagration.

    In June 1944, Operation Bagration began which ended with the collapse of the German front in the Soviet Union. I./SG 1 recorded the loss of 27 aircraft in July alone; most of which were Ju 87s. On 1 July it had 41 aircraft, and a month later this force had fallen to 26. It covered the retreat into Poland and fought against the Vistula-oder offensive. Luftflotte 6 flew 140 sorties against the offensive, with the fleet losing eight aircraft. A notable loss was the commanding officer of 7. Staffel Otto Hulsch, a Knight's Cross winner, who was shot down by Soviet fighters from the 16th Air Army. Operation Bagration which cleared German forces from the Belorussian SSR and eastern Poland between 22 June and 19 August 1944. The operation resulted in the almost complete destruction of an entire German army group, with the loss of Army group centre’s Fourth Army, Third panzer Army and Ninth Army. It is considered the most calamitous defeat experienced by the German armed forces during the Second World War. By the end of the operation most of the western Soviet Union had been liberated and the Red Army had achieved footholds in Romania and Poland. German losses eventually numbered well over half a million men killed or wounded.


    BK 3,7 - Wikipedia