Relics from the Front Since 2010
  • Very rare section of pilots cockpit seat armour plate a blown section with original paintwork,part numbered from German Messerschmitt BF109E-1 work number 4076, shot down, 31st August 1940, crashed at Elham during the battle of Britain.

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    This is a very rare section of pilots cockpit seat armour plate which is a blown section of one plate that has ripped in half this is plate directly behind the pilot. The section has a clear to see part number stamped on it with lots of original colour and green paintwork on both sides the panel has only very slightly ripped in half by the impact of the crash this is a solid section and a very large part a near complete plate at 16 inches long by 6 inches wide.The part comes from the cockpit of German Messerschmitt 109 number 4076 flown by Oberleutnant Eckehard Priebe Staffel Kapitan was shot down on the 31st August 1940 and crashed at Elham. A very nice and very rare relic from the famous battle of Britain and German Messerschmitt 109. The plate comes with 2x A5 laminated information sheets with picture of the plate.

    Messerschmitt BF109E-1 work number 4076 shot down during the Battle of Britain at 9.30am on the 31st August 1940 the pilot on his first mission in the Battle.

    The pilot was Oberleutnant Eckehard Priebe Staffel Kapitan, and with I./JG 77 Priebe participated in Blitzkrieg operations in May and June, in France. Oberleutnant. Priebe gained his second and third victories. First, he downed a French Morane MS.406 on May 15th at 1455h over Dinant. His third and last came on the evening of May 19th over Cambrai. Priebe’s 2. Staffel tangled with eight Hurricanes. Priebe and Mütherich managed one Hurricane each, but Priebe was wounded and his plane Red ‘1’ was damaged. Oblt Priebe this finished his combat in France. Getting back into intensive combat occurred in August 1940, in the middle of the Battle of Britain. The first combat against the defenders of Great Britain on August 31st resulted in the capture of Oberleutnant Eckehard Priebe Staffel Kapitan. During late morning fighting, his Messerschmitt number 4076 suffered a gun problem. In combat over the Thames, he tried to disengage, but had Spitfires bearing down on him from behind. Eventually, he bailed out of his heavily damaged plane over Elham It was a black day for E.Priebe Janke’s unit over the course of several combat flights, it lost seven machines and six pilots.


    armor did German fighter pilots ...