This is a British 2-inch smoke mortar bomb that is near complete just missing its end tip is a nice condition relic which is empty and inert complete with its primer. with maker markings clear to see. The mortar bomb which has some original colour in places it is in relic but solid condition it has been fired it has some of its fin in place it has been very well cleaned the metal is pitted and a bit rusty but overall nice condition for a relic it is perfect for display or any collection and a very nice condition find from the battlefield.The mortar bomb was recovered from Death Valley near Hill 112 the battle during operation Epsom in June 1944 on the Normandy battlefield. A nice relic from the Normandy battlefield and comes with A5 laminated information card.
The capture of Caen and Carpiquet at the same time was followed immediately by renewed attacks west of the city in order to capture the high ground between the Odon and the Orne, to encircle Caen from the south, and above all to continue to engage the main German force so it could not block an American breakout to the south. This time the attack was on a broader front with no fewer than six divisions: the 49th and 50th attacked south to Hottot, the 59th attacked south to Noyers, the 15th Scottish was to attack Evrecy, an objective of EPSOM, followed by the 53rd, and in the first attack the 43rd Division was to capture Hill 112 and Maltot on 10th July 1944.